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Tactical Magic Podcast

Mar 28, 2018

Dynamic Power couple Caleb Arring and Matthew VanHorn are two extremely dedicated queer men on a mission to make this world a better place by helping fellow LGBTQ business owners gain the tools that they need to reach their people, have a bigger impact, and make more money in the process!

When they first decided to...

Mar 21, 2018


Audra Grady supports visionary leaders across the world to create a conscious, sustainable business through the art of gathering people and accelerating transformation. 

She has a Masters in Organizational Management, extensive training in social entrepreneurship and small business and over 15 years of experience in...

Mar 14, 2018

There might be something better than living a life surrounded by badass women, but if there is, I haven't yet found it.

This episode is a collaborative interview that my friend Casey and I did. 

Casey Maxwell is a psychic medium and all around incredible healer. She is hands down the most other-worldly being I have...

Mar 7, 2018

This is a storytelling device that I learned from my mom! 

A tool that allows us to open up and share ourselves in a way that connects with the people around us. 

What would it take to share yourself vulnerably?

What are you afraid people might find out about you?

What's the worst that could happen? 


Mar 2, 2018

Jess Tomlinson helps coaches and entrepreneurs who have been holding back from putting all of themselves into their marketing, social media and videos for fear of being judged, so they feel safe and energized to show their authenticity in their marketing in a way that is powerful and magnetizes their ideal clients.
