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Tactical Magic Podcast

Apr 27, 2021

Dena’s entire life set her up to do what she does.  

As a highly empathic child, she took her first social emotional training course at age 7, followed by years of conflict management & mediation training, leadership development, and personal development.  

By the time she graduated high school, she had already...

Apr 20, 2021

Claire works with awakening people all over the world to help them grow in their awareness of the spiritual laws of life, build their dreams, accelerate their results, and create richer, more fulfilling lives. She serves the great awakening of humanity happening now, helping people to consciously come into their...

Apr 13, 2021

Jevon has been a conscious advisor in many capacities, in the finance, human behavior and spiritual circles in particular. He is the author of Life Experiment: 8 Tactics To Challenge Reality To Create A New One and also The Captain: A Tale of Self-Discovery, Awakening and the Hidden Atlantis. His purpose is to support...

Apr 6, 2021

I do a grounding visualization on most of my group program calls. 

This one was from a recent Magnetic Influencer Collective call where we did an energy pull meditation to invite our people to us. 

What if half of your audience 'engaging' or your soul-mate clients showing up had to do with whether or not you were open...